Key stakeholder engagement was required—including coordination with regulatory agencies—for successful project execution. This was largely in part due to the wide variety of existing environmental resources at the project site, including: tidal wetlands/waters (Army Corps of Engineers, Maryland Department of the Environment), federally listed endangered species and informal Section 7 Consultation (National Marine Fisheries Service), Nationally-registered historic bridge and associated Programmatic Section 4(f) (Advisory Council of Historic Preservation), Chesapeake Bay Critical Area/required mitigation requirements (Critical Area Commission), and many others. All interests of the stakeholders, as well as regulatory requirements and permitting, had to be satisfied in order to keep the project moving on schedule and budget. Ultimately, the input from both internal and external stakeholders led to the successful completion of detailed engineering design plans and NEPA approval (CE/Programmatic Section 4(f)) of the project within overall project schedule.