I believe that thoughtfulness is essential to providing excellent, cost effective, and equitable services in order to produce results. This achieved by caring about what you do, who you do it for, and who is affected by it. KLT Group supports great relationships and provides excellent service to our clients. We go over beyond to develop comprehensive and effective services to create superior results for our client and customer needs.
MS, Environmental Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University
BS, Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech
Ms. McCoy has over seven years of experience in Maryland state government managing and providing environmental oversight of a wider range of projects. Her state experience has led to diverse project experience relating to NEPA documentation and associated laws/regulations, and in this role, she processed over 350 NEPA/MEPA documents. She has also served as lead Environmental Justice/Title VI coordinator and actively contributes to various peer exchanges through AASHTO, FHWA, NHI, and TRB. She has also facilitated various interagency forums and meetings.
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