Project Governor Hogan’s Baltimore Traffic Relief Plan
In 2017, Governor Hogan announced a Transportation Investment to bring congestion relief for the Baltimore Region. The interchange at I-70 and I-695—known and coined as the “Triple Bridges”—is located in the urban/mix-used landscape of Woodlawn, Baltimore County. The branding of the structure helped with name recognition of the projects crucial challenge to and address the three-level, compact configuration and provide congestion relief solutions. This project continues through the NEPA process. To support the NEPA documentation, various technical studies to evaluate impacts to local communities were paired with both traditional methods—such as public meetings and meetings with civic organizations – as well as innovative solutions, such as Geofencing linked to online surveys. These methods promote transparence of the project and allowed the public and stakeholder to provide valuable information that will create a project for both regional travelers and local commuters.